Everything You Need To Know About Using A Virtual Therapist
If you’re facing problems in your life and thinking about therapy, there’s a new option: a virtual therapist! Thanks to the wonders of the Internet and videoconferencing, it’s now possible to chat with a therapist anywhere in the country, from the comfort of your own home.
People across the country are discovering how convenient a virtual therapist can be. Being able to communicate from home encourages you to be as comfortable as possible, chatting with your therapist in a calm and familiar environment.
We’re getting a lot of questions about virtual therapy, so let’s take a moment to answer some of the most common ones!
What will virtual therapy be like?
Honestly, it’s often like chatting with a friend over video. You can be in your own home, or wherever you feel most comfortable, without the extra anxiety of going to a stranger’s clinical office. We find our clients often say that virtual therapy helped them overcome their fear of visiting a therapist, and realize just how beneficial qualified personal therapy can be.
Is virtual therapy truly effective?
Yes! Since therapy is mostly just about talking through your problems, it can be done over video chat just as easily as in person. In our experience, it seems like our clients may actually be more willing to open up when they’re chatting from a comfortable environment. It also seems more likely that they’ll cry, which is a very good thing for therapy!
How often do I need to do virtual therapy?
That’s entirely based on you and your situation. During your initial consultation and “getting to know you” session, one question to be answered is how often your therapist thinks you should chat. This can be worked into your life, and you can use virtual therapy as often as you want or need it.
Does it need to use video?
Some people are uncomfortable with video chat, and that’s just fine. If you prefer voice-only remote therapy, we’re happy to accommodate. Virtual therapy is all about maximizing your comfort levels so that you’ll have an easier time discussing your life and challenges.
Is virtual therapy safe and secure?
Yes, absolutely. Virtual therapists have to abide by all the same privacy and confidentiality requirements as in-person therapists. We also take Internet security seriously and follow all best-practice recommendations to protect you from any online threats. It’s just as safe as visiting a therapist in their office.
How do I know if I need virtual therapy?
Many people believe they have to wait until they’re really struggling or facing serious problems before turning to therapy – but that’s not the case. If you already see minor issues in your life, or problems on the horizon, now is the best time to start dealing with them. Prevention is the best medicine, even when it comes to therapy.
If you’re in doubt, why not try an initial free consultation and see how it goes? Empower Professional Counseling Services is accepting new patients! From personal issues to relationship counseling, we’re here to help. Contact us to schedule a free appointment!